How To Crack A Tripcode Average ratng: 5,6/10 1381 votes
A simple tripcode can be broken fairly easily and so secure tripcodes can be used by faggots who think it matters. How to Tripcode To use a tripcode you need to type, in the name field, your name (optional), the trip character (usually # but defaults to! On Wakaba without modification), and your trip phrase.

How To Crack A Tripcode
Odd future hd wallpaper. File: 73 KB, 894x894, 349.jpg [] [] [] [] [] ITT: breaking a tripcode Anonymous Mon Oct 10 19: [] [] [] [] /g/ you've never failed me before, I need your help I need to find a way to break this one guy's tripcode. I need a tripcode breaker or decoder or something. I tried the one for greasemonkey, didn't decode the guy's tripcode.