Okay, so I want to play neo geo games like Metal Slug in Mame, and I have MAME4ALL 037b5 roms. So I've been searching and it seems to be possible to play. Neo-geo.rom ng-sm1.rom ng-lo.rom ng-sfix.rom Having these 4 ROMs in every single NEO-GEO set means having a lot of redundant files, so it was decided to. Neo geo rom ng sfix romantic quotes. Tasim guers ia qe los e geo Habeandooe n MIlan anolo ra Ilnl.e l6tr Rrda ena 0a moth en laer turln d E itu lod aios de Anopers Intr d1* Hl-ml NG-SFIX.ROM. Neo Geo Rom Ng Sfix Romantic Quotes. Not sure if there is a specific version number, most of the roms that I have tried from various.

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