In his fight to find out the identity of his father's murderers, Ram Cruz is joined by his brother, Tommy. Total Overdose offers you a selection of weapons to do the job, and as you progress you'll get more and more arms as you take out the bad guys. Total Overdose reuses the bullet-time technique, created by the Max Payne series, but it goes a step further and makes it even more original with the addition of 'special moves'. It might take you a little time to get to grips with them, but make the effort. In Total Overdose, it's an extreme case of kill - or be killed. Fun, fast and bullet-filled, Total Overdose is excellent fun.

Author's review. 1989: Deep in the heart of the Mexican jungle, undercover agent Ernesto Cruz blasts his way through an armed militia to board a DEA plane bound for home. Programs like runasdate.
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